The Power of Intentions and BEING for Success

In my blog post last year I mentioned I’m not a New Years Resolution gal…. Not in the traditional sense, anyways. Resolutions imply an all or nothing mindset, they often require deprivation, and goals around what you think you “should” do vs. what’s meaningful to you. So, they often don’t work and instead, people spend every year trying to RE-SOLVE the same challenge over and over again. 

I believe in the power of setting intentions and themes for the year. My intentions are guided by intuitive nudges as well as around my personal numerology year to assist in being in alignment with the energy of the year. For example, 2023 is going to be a year 7 for me. Year 7 is all about spiritual awakenings, heightened intuition, inner transformation & healing the relationship with self. I am dedicating my 2023 to transformation and self love. This is a time to truly get to know who I am and transform those deepest parts of myself so I can radiate my truth. 

If you’re interested in shifting your resolutions into intentions and would like to do so via Numerology, here’s how to calculate your personal numerology year. 


Take the date of birth: October 17, 1982

Use only the MONTH and DAY:

October is:  10…. 1+0 = 1

Day is 17: 1+7 = 8

Then use the CURRENT YEAR.

2023 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7

Now add the month, day, and current year together.

1+8 = 9 + 7 (2023) = 16…. 1+6 = 7


For simplicity, you can also use this free calculator. I like to refer to Felicia Bender’s definitions and descriptions of each personal year. She also has more in depth explanations if you simply do a google search for Felicia Bender X personal year. 

Learn from 2022

To set meaningful intentions, you may also want to reflect on this past year to understand how you’d like to show up differently in 2023. This year I turned 40 and here are 23 things I learned in the past decade and in 2022 that I’m using as guidance for my 2023 intentions….

  1. Authenticity is not just BEING you but speaking your truth w/compassion

  2. Everything in this world is energy... EVERYTHING! 

  3. When healing, we often first start with the physical body, but the physical body is a manifestation of emotional, energetic, and spiritual wounds

  4. Your body MUST feel safe in order to #heal

  5. Relationships are our greatest teacher

  6. People will always judge you, so just be & embrace your weirdo self! 

  7. Good quality dark chocolate heals the soul & should be eaten every day IMHO

  8. Your body knows & remembers more than your mind. Listen to it! 

  9. Your purpose is not static - it's ever changing and flowing as you evolve - flow with it

  10. Some things you simply cannot control - learn to recognize the things you can vs. the things you can't

  11. Being human is messy AF. No one has their shit completely together. Stop comparing

  12. Be patient & focus on who you want to be - you'll eventually get exactly what you want when you start BEING who you want to be 

  13. Travel the world - it transforms the way you see yourself & the choices you make

  14. Love yourself enough to CHOOSE differently than the rest of society

  15. Eat more dark chocolate :)

  16. You are here to continue to grow and evolve... work on self improvement, but embrace where you are

  17. Sleep is the #1 most important gift you can give yourself & it's truly  miraculous the body knows how to go unconscious for a specific amount of time so you can heal

  18. Express yourself creatively - disconnect from screens and make something with your hands to avoid burnout 

  19. High sensitivity and #empathy are gifts!

  20. Animals and nature heal the soul... kind of like chocolate!

  21. Becoming is about UNbecoming and UNlearning everything you've known

  22. The people you surround yourself with matter. Who do you want to be? Be around people who reflect the choices and values of the person you want to become  

  23. Love more - love yourself, love others, love nature, love animals, just love. 


How to Transform!

The transformation we seek also can be a struggle if we aren’t balancing masculine energy of DOING and feminine energy of dreaming, being, and attracting. You have to consciously and subconsciously BElieve (feminine) in your ability to make the goal happen while physically working (masculine) at making the dream a reality. If you don’t dream it, and you don’t believe you deserve it, it’s harder for the Universe to deliver it. 

What to do from here?

Check out your personal numerology year, review what you’ve learned over the past year, check in with yourself about who you want to become. Then choose your intention that’s in alignment with those areas!

Send me a note - I’d love to hear your 2023 intention and what your personal numerology year is!