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Microbiome Labs

Microbiome Labs are incredibly high quality products intended for total gut restoration ranging from spore based probiotics repopulate the gut to prebiotics to help feed the good bacteria to products to help recondition and rebuild the microbiome itself.  Read more HERE. 


Fullscript carries the broadest selection of the highest quality supplements and wellness products. Stored and shipped straight to your door in temperature controlled spaces to ensure your supplement is protected and effective when it arrives. Order here for 15% discounted prices on professional grade supplements and free shipping on orders of $49!


Did you know that our body is made up of energy that is measurable? This type of testing falls into the holistic health realm. While this is not a diagnostic tool to be confused with any type of western medicine testing, we are able to test stressed systems of the body. This testing process has the ability to read the energetic resonance that emanates from the hair and saliva samples. These digital values allow you to make changes in a positive direction! When you are ready to take a new approach to understanding your health, bioenergetic testing is the option for you! Upon checkout enter Namaste as your coupon code to receive $5 off your test!

Unlock your biological data! Order your own lab work online at a deeply discounted rate!  Your LabWork helps you become your own health detective and stay on top of your health and prevent DIS-ease