Life's Glimmer's

Our brains are wired to look for the negative rather than the positive. This is designed intentionally to promote survival. From a survival perspective, we want to be on the lookout for that saber tooth tiger so we can run away.

AND, when something “bad” does happen, we’ll be more equipped to notice and tackle similar situations in the future.

If we want to experience more positivity, more joy, more gratitude, in our life, we have to train our brains to notice the good things


Glimmers are the opposite of emotional triggers. Instead, they are those micro-moments in the day that make you feel gleeful, happy, joy, blissful.

Glimmers ARE NOT the big moments in life like getting a promotion or buying a new home. Rather, they are the hidden moments you have to take notice of.

This takes intentional effort every single day. With regular practice, it’ll become easier and you’ll notice more glimmer’s throughout your day.

One fun way to do this is to make a game out of it. Throughout your day try to find a simple thing that makes you happy. Then tell yourself what about that thing/person/situation made you happy. 

You may even want to take a picture of it to remind yourself at a later date.

Even the simple thought of needing to find something that makes you happy, can automatically turn on the happy switch. You’ll notice a shift in your energy and mood almost instantly.

My Personal Glimmer Story

In 2014, when I was only sleeping 2 hours a night (thanks to crazy high cortisol levels), I got really sick….. and honestly depressed. I was in a dark place and this simple “game” called the 100 Days of Happy Challenge got me through. The simple act of looking for something happy shifted me from a depressed state to being hopeful.

Happiness doesn’t just happen to us… it’s something we can create!

We get to choose what we see in our world…. what you look for is what you’ll receive.

Simple, yet powerful. 

This video is one I took during an afternoon walk this past summer. I saw this little bee and thought it was so magical so I stopped to enjoy the moment watching him live his/her life. How amazing I get to witness this miraculous moment! It’s these micro moments in our days that create happiness and can shift your psychology and physiology.

How often are you looking for the glimmers?